About Gnomics Knowledge Systems:

Knowledge is Power !

Crisis Projects and Knowledge Systems 2020-2024

The name “Gnomics is a contraction of the Greek word “Gnosis” meaning “knowledge” and “Omics” a term commonly used to mean “whole systems” as in “Genomics” and Proteomics.

Thus, the name Gnomics itself actually means “Knowledge System

and Knowledge Systems is what we do at Gnomics !!

Gnomics Knowledge Systems (aka Gnomics-KS) has been creating custom web software knowledge tools to solve major molecular genetics and genomics research problems since 2001. For example, we have developed custom Knowledge System software that has let us show that specific combinations and architectures of DNA binding sites for specific transcription factors control Neural Cell Determination during development.

Whole-genome DNA Transcription Code Analysis of the Notch-HLH Signaling Pathway

Human Crisis Projects: The same web technology and Big Data analysis tools that are used for Genomics Research can be used to design and build powerful Knowledge Creation and Knowledge Management tools that together provide a custom Knowledge System (KS) for any specific knowledge domain. That includes custom Knowledge Bases for Human Crisis projects, which are described on the crisis Projects listed below.

The Same "Knowledge Dashboard" Data Tools for building Powerful Genomics Knowledge Systems can be used to Help Haiti

Knowledge System Approach: the knowledge tools developed are designed to facilitate the  creation of new knowledge, in addition to storing and managing previous knowledge.  This new knowledge typically is based on current news research and/or biomedical literature research, in order to determine what are the critical knowledge areas needed at the current time to solve the most urgent problems at this time.

Human Crisis Projects: The same web technology and Big Data analysis tools that are used for Genomics Research can be used to design and build powerful Knowledge Creation and Knowledge Management tools that together provide a custom Knowledge System (KS) for any specific knowledge domain. That includes custom Knowledge Bases for Human Crisis projects, which are described on these Project pages:

• The Haiti Earthquake Information Crisis Project and Knowledge Base

and Social Justice projects such as:

• The Truth About Race Based On Genetic Science (TAR Project)

 all of which were built on the Drupal KM Distro, described briefly below.

More recently I am now actively working on three new Gnomics Crisis Projects, which are being developed as Google Workspace Projects:

• The Generative AI Crisis Analysis Project and Knowledge System:

COVER LETTER V2f for the  Google DeepMind Research Scientist job application

 Semantic-AI Hypothesis - A powerful approach to effectively and potentially very efficiently create a Human-Aligned Generative AI Knowledge System is to use the Semantic Web RDF-Based Ontology Tools, such as the Gene Ontology that was developed specifically for Genetics and Genomics Research.

• The Covid-2024 Crisis Project and Knowledge System

• The Ukraine-2023 Crisis Project and Knowledge System

• The Gaza Crisis Analysis Project and Knowledge System:

The new Gaza Crisis Analysis Project so far has three Articles on it, which are each draft Stories for submission for publication on the Democracy Now website:

Gaza Article 01 - Urgent Need for an Immediate Ceasefire I - Clear Evidence for a major Humanitarian Crisis and major Health Crisis in Gaza. 

Therefore, there is an the Urgent Need for an Immediate Ceasefire and for a Humanitarian Safe Zone throughout both Israel and Gaza.

and Article 02 presents a Strategic Initiative as a Proposed Creative  Solution for the current Gaza Crisis, based on our previous extensive experience in Crisis Analysis projects, starting with the 2010 Haiti Earthquake Crisis and the other projects  listed above on this About page.

Gaza-Article-02 - How to Create a Win-Win-Win for Gaza, and Israel, and the People of both Gaza and Israel, by Declaring a UN-US Strategic Initiative to Enforce an Immediate Ceasefire and Safe Zone throughout both Israel and Gaza,  similar to theUN-NATO No-Fly Zones twice in the Yugoslavia Wars.